Let's Travel_Sixth Edition

Ciater Subang

Hello Guys👋

I'm happy to be able to write the next tourist destination. Oke, as you can see in the title, today I want to talk about Ciater Subang.

Ciater Subang hot spring is located on the slopes of Mount Tangkuban Perahu, Subang. Ciater is a place that is crowded with tourists.

Ciater hot spring is visited by many tourists from outside the city because it has a temperature of about 43-46 degrees Celsius and is the original hot spring from the mountainous area.

Like other natural baths, Ciater Subang Hot Springs is surrounded by shady trees that make the place shady. Near this place there is a river flowing along 2 kilometers, the river leads to the residents' rice fields making the scenery here more beautiful. While the artificial facilities in this place are pools with hot water, rafting tours, children's playgrounds, sports facilities, lodging, restaurants, etc.

So what can we do here? As the name suggests the thing we can do is take a hot bath. The hot water contains sulfur so it is believed to be good for skin health. However, because of the high sulfur content, it is not recommended to soak for a long time, only 20 to 30 minutes. Because if it is too long, the sulfur content in the water can make you dizzy and also nauseous. 

Next, here there is a choice of swimming pools for adults and children. visitors can also sit and relax beside the pool, while enjoying the surrounding scenery. Especially for the children's pool, there is a waterslide playground that makes children feel comfortable swimming in this place. Parents need not worry, because the slide is not too high so it is safe for children to play. In addition to these water activities, visitors can also try some of the play activities provided at the playground. In this place, visitors can try the trampoline. Jumping on a trampoline is certainly a fun and healthy activity.

The entrance ticket is around 35.000 rupiah this is just the entry ticket. other rides will be charged again. But don't worry friends, if we're lucky, we can get an interesting promo so the price is cheaper.

Note :
Sorry if there are still word mistakes, because I'm still learning for English.
I hope readers can leave comments, and I'm also happy to receive your comments so that I can correct any errors.
Thanks for your response😊
