Let's Travel_Fifth Edition

Hidden Waterfall

Hello Guys👋
Did you know that there is a waterfall hidden in the middle of a tea plantation ? 
Access to this place is very easy, the benchmark is the road to Gracia Spa Subang. To get to Curugg Cipeureu we have to pass through the houses of residents. 
This resident's house is very unique because it is painted with different themes. In addition we also have to pass through tea plantations to get to our destination.


Cipeureu waterfall ticket price is very cheap. Only with 10.000 rupiah we can enjoy the beautiful view with a cool air. It is a perfect place to take a break from the hustle and bundle of the city.

Curug Cipeureu water is definitely clean guys, because it comes directly from Keramat Mount.
Curug Cipeureu is also classified as safe, because the water depth is low, children can also play around the waterfall. However, this does not reduce the beauty of Curug. We can also walk along the small shallow rivers around the Curug area.

In the Curug area there are huts made of wood. Mosque is also available, Guys. There is only 1 small shop here that provides grilled corn and other foods. In the middle of the tea garden there is als a tree house which can be used as a photo spot. 

If you want to refresh yourself with a waterfall tour with a low budget you can visit this beautiful place.
Note :
Sorry if there are still word mistakes, because I'm still learning for English.
I hope readers can leave comments, and I'm also happy to receive your comments so that I can correct any errors.
Thanks for your response😊


  1. you did great Angel. been a quite-long time since I'm not visiting blog and got surprise with your many articles. keep going on


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